Francesca always wanted to become a therapist since she was a young girl. She always wanted to help people and everyone was sure that she would become a successful therapist one day. Once she graduated with her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the university, she decided to start her dream business of having a therapy clinic, where she could welcome her patients and make their lives a little better with therapy. However, she understood that opening a clinic requires a lot of resources, finances, and support.
The FF clinic
Not far from the center of San Francisco, there is a small clinic called FF, named after the founder of the clinic Francesca Fellini. The clinic has a very good reputation for having high-quality therapists that help people get through their difficulties every day. Those who visit this clinic highly recommend it to their friends. However, not all of them know the story behind the foundation of the clinic. The founder of the clinic, Francesca, has a huge fanbase on social platforms, and she occasionally makes live therapy sessions with her followers by answering their questions. In one of her recent lives, one of the followers asked about her idea to open the clinic. And she shared some details that were not shared before.
How the FF clinic was founded
After graduating from the university and having all the licenses to become a certified therapist, Francesca Felini started to think about opening her clinic in her hometown, San Francisco. Once she did her research and got information from her friends who also have clinics in other towns, she soon understood that she was not yet prepared to have a business, as she didn’t have the finances to open one. However, she was very determined to open her clinic, and she started to approach her goal slowly. She decided to start online therapy as many people had an interest in this kind of service as well. After a few months, when Francesca already had a deposit to start her business, she started to check for places for her clinic. And she faced another obstacle. Her finances were not enough to have the place she liked. That is when her friends suggested she check for lending companies for a business loan. At first, she was hesitant, as she didn’t know anything about such companies and their packages. And one of her friends suggested checking the comparison websites such as smalan-norge.com. Francesca’s friends were always there for her and always supported her through all her journeys, and this one was no exception. When she and her friends were in the search of finding the best lending option, she came upon a few options.
During her life, she also mentioned some of the lending companies she found online that had offered her the loan she requested. At first, she mentioned this link https://smalan-norge.com/instabank-logg-inn, saying that she accepted the loan from Instabank. The second company she applied for the loan for was for this link here https://smalan-norge.com/zmarta-logg-inn. She mentioned that both loan options were great, but the first offer she got from Instabank. According to her, when she received the confirmation of the loan, she celebrated this huge milestone with her friends. And right from the following morning, she started to develop her business. She rented the place she wanted, changed the design and the interior of the place to make it more intimate and minimalistic, and started to hire a few staff for the clinic. Additionally, she has also thought about the name of the clinic, the logo, and the branding. She kept the name very simple, putting her initials as if it was her success and merit. Another thing she started to make was the advertising strategy. Soon, her clinic became very popular, and she started to welcome many patients and help them with various issues.

It has been three years since her clinic has been operating, and Francesca proudly mentions that the clinic has more than 500 patients, and they help change people’s life into a better place. She says that being a therapist is a very hard job as you always listen to many different and heartbreaking stories, and you need to help those people to overcome their issues. However, she loves her job as with every therapy session, she sees that she could help one more patient. Helping people was the main reason that she became a therapist, opened her clinic, and reached the level of excellence she is now. Her future plans for the clinic include a rebranding with a new place, a new design, and more staff to be able to help even more people.
Francesca’s lives and Q&A always inspire many young girls, as she is a great example of a young lady who can become a successful businesswoman who made everything from scratch with her hardworking and dynamic personality.